so for those of you who didnt know. it was world beard day on saturday . what an awesome day. and for all of you who have beards, good on you. Men are supposed to be hairy and those of you who cant grow facial hair suck.
Ninemsn told me that men with facial hair get more chicks and i believe them.
I thought i would celebrate world beard day also so i made myself a ginger (all the men in my family have gingerbeards) felt beard.
soooo whats new? huh.? been a while, what a lazy bitch!
ive been working my arse off, getting up at 5:30 am every morning, leaving the house at 6:30 walking to the station, getting off at central , walking to the gallery, then working all day, reading sookie stackhouse novels and walking in my breaks and train time and getting home at 6:30, dinner, tv, make something, sleep, ive been making our house a home, kind of with little art works here and there, ive been making moustaches and iphone covers and people have been buying them and ive been posting them off to places like tasmania and melbourne and california. ive been making planet and space brooches for my friend whos going away soon, ive beentrying to make a neil diamond picture for tonys mum but i never get time to finish anything, ive been listening to boy and bear, and cloud control and i dont want to listen to anything else, except maybe duck sauce and professor green (only 1 or 2 of his ones though)
I've been waiting patiently for my hair to grow but it hasnt been growing fast enough, ive been waiting for my hairdresser to call me back so she can thin out my mushroom head, ive been trying to get those nice dents in my thighs when you tense them up and my teeth and i are having a better relationship than we ever have. i've been booking in new tattoos and getting seriously addicted to coffee, we've been in brisbane for big weddings and catching up with old friends, we've been in melbourne for family fun. and for most of all ive been waiting for spring and here it is. time to come out again yaaaaaaay!
goodbye winter. goodbye scarves and freezing toes, and snot and people sick on the train and that freezing windy rainy corner on oxford and liverpool street where you cant use your umbrella because its so windy it will turn inside out! so long sucker! 6 months until i see you again
pic time and then toning exercise time, and then tv time and snuggle with tony time then lovely lovely sleep time